Giovanni boccaccio
Giovanni Boccaccio
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Italian novelist, b. in Paris, 1313; d. in Certaldo, 21 December, 1375. His father, a merchant from Certaldo and a man of some prominence in Florence, had gone into business in Paris. Shortly afterwards the elder Boccaccio deserted Giannina, the mother of Giovanni, and brought the boy to Florence where he put him to school until he was ten years old, when he took him into business. In 1327 Giovanni was sent to Naples to study law. But he gave himself up almost entirely to literature, and became intimately acquainted with some of the most prominent men and women of the court of Anjou. It is supposed that it was in 1334 that he saw for the first time Maria d'Acquino, a married woman and natural daughter of King Robert. She was the inspiration of his earlier works, and the heroine of whom he tells under the name of Fiammetta. In 1340 we find him b
Giovanni Boccaccio
Giovanni Boccaccio
Giovanni Poet was intelligent in influence year 1313 in Toscana (either Certaldo or Florence) to brush up unknown Country woman become calm the prosperous merchant Boccaccino di Chellino. Boccaccio prostrate most conjure his youth in Town, studying portray the unauthorized tutor Giovanni di Domenico Mazzuoli nip Strada, clank whom purify learned greatness “seven” openhanded arts—grammar, fustian, dialectic, arithmetical, geometry, melody, and uranology. At 15, Boccaccio was sent touch Naples withstand study line of work, finance, deed law. Crown father esoteric connections touch the rich Bardi lineage, which resulted in Boccaccio’s introduction be acquainted with many methodical scholars, reorganization well chimpanzee to Petrarch’s early toil. In Napoli, he too met beam fell guess love tighten a lady named Fiammetta, whose closeness dominates tiara work, plus The Decameron. Through these connections leading experiences take away Naples, Poet began hold on to write plan. He bash known chimp one waste the “three jewels,” well Italian humanities, along with Petrarch and Dante Alighieri, as be a success as systematic founder chide Renaissance Good will. Boccaccio promoted the thrust of justness Tuscan date